[Cysticism] Zhang Dynasty - On a Starry Night
I sang the song 'On a Starry Night' with the lyrics so pretty.
You've been singing a lot of songs from Zhang Nara lately.
I guess it's because there's too much.
a half-open sky
One star that resembles your exceptionally bright self.
Let's count to the fingertips, as much as we want to see.
an insatiable longing soon worn out
I close my eyes to hold back. I don't know if I'm gonna stand up all night crying.
Let's wake up to my toss and turn
Turn your feet. In your dreams...
Good night. Don't hate my memory.
Come on. On a starry night.
My heart shines on me like a lake
Let's hug it again.
in the sun until you're blind
Until the stars fall.
I close my eyes to hold back. I don't know if I'll cry all night again.
Let's wake up to my toss and turn
Turn your feet. In your dreams...
A little star, twinkling around my eyes
I think you're here.
My tears are going to kiss...
See Original

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